Wednesday, February 7, 2007

The idiots who made the idiot

I know I'm an asshole sometimes. I hate all people sometimes, but never all the time. I wake up on the wrong side of the wet spot like everybody else, and I'm not even an actor.

I'm honestly at a draw with where to begin. Bruce Campbell - That name should be synonymous with the Evil Dead series. Ok. I got one word for Bruce 'fuckface Campbell' - FANS.

To be honest, I've never been a big fan of the 'Evil Dead' series anyway. Sure, they're cult classics, but I just never acquired a taste for them. I personally apologize to any Evil Dead fans that may be reading.

I've come to realize over the years that Bruce is lacking in any form of sincere 'thank you' when it comes to his fans. Sure, Bruce never set out to be a 'fan winner' in the first place. He didn't aspire to be MY hero or little Billy's down the street. I'm sure if he really wanted to be truly famous, he would have never starred in The Evil Dead series in the first place.

I find it hard to believe that a guy whose lively hood comes from fans of The Evil Dead films refuses to sing autographs FROM HOME anymore. The last time I checked, Campbell's main achievement in life was having a bit part in a Spiderman film. Hmmmm. The name of the director for Spiderman just so happens to be the same as the guy's who directed the Evil Dead movies.

Does Bruce really think he's that good? Does he think that starring in Brisco County Jr. constitutes being able to snub his fans? Is it that Bruce simply doesn't need to appreciate his fans because he's that damn good? Seems to me that Campbell has a really big chip on his shoulder.

I've know a lot of ungrateful people in my life. I've even been guilty of being ungrateful at times, but I think that Campbell is the most egotistical prick in the entire United States.

Take for instance his book If Chins Could Kill. Alright, let me ask one question - Who are the fan base for his book? Let's see... Is it going to be someone OTHER than an Evil Dead fan? Case dismissed.

Anyone who would still support this unrelenting prick after he blatantly bashes them in a frilly way on his website needs to be smacked with a wet dildo. OR do a reality check. You can never be in the public eye and maintain a steady stream of work if you disrespect the people who make you.

Wait a minute. Strike everything I said. Bruce Campbell will someday have a star on the Walk of Fame. He now STARS in his very own Old Spice commercial.


Anonymous said...

You should really learn how to read.

Lunchmeat said...

I read enough to know the guy is an asshole. Next.