Below are some rare pictures of Lucio Fulci on the job. They were given to me by his daughter (Antonella). I did an extensive interview with her back in 2003, and these are the pictures she sent to go along with the interview. To my knowledge, these pictures haven't been published in any books, magazines, or dvd's. They were, however, placed on a defunct website and another blog I once attempted. I doubt that they've been seen by many people. Some GREAT pictures of the Godfather of Gore in his hey-day.
Look for excerpts (or maybe the whole thing) of the interview with Lucio's daughter. She's one generous lady. I'm an idiot, so I forgot to ask her from what film these were taken. Now, how stupid can one get?

Cool, Fulci was a B-movie god. Wish he was still alive and kickin' and makin' movies.
Yeah. Very few directors had/have as much experience or made as many all around good movies as Fulci. He gets dismissed too much. He's a b-movie Icon as you said!
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