Lunchmeat's Bit's and Pieces got a chance to follow alongside Jackson Bostwick (Better known as Ranger Mark O'Brian) on one of his daily routines. He was generous enough to allow us to snap a few pictures along the way.
Above is a picture of Jackson hanging himself to get the day started off right. Nothing like a little lack of oxygen to get the heart pumping.
Above is a picture of Jackson and Mongo doing their daily Judo exercises. Mongo was badly burned in a BBQ'ing incident which eventually destroyed hundreds of acres of wildlife and habitat in the form of the worst forest fire North Point had ever seen - not to mention the rest of Mongo's family were also burned alive.
Above is Jackson shooting is new pellet gun. It was gift from all the other park rangers for Christmas. Jackson wanted the new Family Guy doll, but it was all sold out.
Above is a picture of Jackson after realizing he left the toilet paper back at the cabin.
The above picture was taken when Jackson decided to shave his trademarked beard for the first time in fifteen years. This was the last picture taken just before he and General Zod jetted off into the clouds.
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