A band of Satanist hippies lead by Horace Bones roll into a town and begin terrorizing the local folk, raping a local girl after she sneaks in one of of their satanic rituals. Grandpa goes after the bunch of filthy hippies, but the hippies corner Grandpa, force feeding him a little LSD. His grandson doesn't take to highly by this and decides to get back at the hippies by feeding them meat pies infected with blood from a rabid dog. They turn into crazed lunatics and begin killing and/or infecting everything in their path.
Where to begin with this one. This is probably the most filthy grimy drive-in flick I've ever had the pleasure (or displeasure) of watching. I don't hate the film. The whole scenario is something that's made in a cheese factory, but the 'nastiness' of the film as a whole makes one want to take a shower after watching.
Bashkar (who was incidentally paralyzed not too long after I Drink Your Blood was made. He has since passed away) plays the ludicrous Horace Bones who's pretty much a man hell bent on power play using satanic rituals to brainwash his followers. They make their way into town and move into an abandoned house that's soon to be torn down anyway. The house is infested with rats and the group of hippies go from room to room impaling the rats on anything they could find, roasting them and eating them for a meal. Some nasty shit.
The scene where Grandpa comes home fried on LSD and hold kitchen utensils against his forehead constituting a set of horns is quiet humerous, but quiet disturbing once you shower off the layer of cheese.
Also known as Phobia, I Drink Your Blood had a pretty good run at the Drive-In back in the day and has since gained a small cult following. Is this film worth watching? Well, yes, if only once. The whole premise makes this one strange pile of dirt. This will definitely leave a layer of filth on ya folks.

Sure, go ahead and give it a whirl. OR, you could go outside and roll around in the dirt for a hour and a half and have the same experience.
I had forgotten about this one. I had watched it sometime before I started my blog so I never reviewed it but from what I remember of it I just thought it was an ok film. Had some goofy moments in it and was a little surprised that it had to do with rabies. Not a big go to theme in horror movies so it was different in that way.
I never really understood why the infect was afraid of water though. I know it has something to do with rabies but I haven't bothered to look up why that is the case.
I had forgotten about the infected persons being afraid of water. I'll have to check into that.
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