"I Spit On Your Grave" -aka- "Day of the woman"

In the same vein as such films like Wes Craven's 1972 barbaric classic, 'Last House on the Left'', "I Spit on Your Grave' is a film that's hard to swallow. Like brussel sprouts, one either hates them or loves them. To be honest, films like these are kind of like dark chocolate. I know it's chocolate, but, it's just not quiet the same. The same can be said for films that are hard to swallow.

Anyway, "I Spit'' focuses on a female writer who eventually gets repeatedly gang raped by a bunch of hick locals. What ensues is a tale of revenge that will leave even the most jaded fans writhering in their chair.

A repulsive little movie that eventually turns the tables and allows our victim to take revenge and ultimately sever some male genitals. Resorting to the demeaning of herself - lowering herself to confront these same men who raped her - our rape victim coaxes the men into believing she wants to have some more 'fun'. She eventually has her way and does away with her tormentors is grizzly fashion.

Movie's like these have long since been swept under the celluloid rug, but, their cult status will remain the same. Whether the individuals who make up the fan base for such films lack in the morality department, well, I'm not one to say. I find myself watching quiet a few exploitation flicks. They really serve no purpose except to repulse and disturb us, but, if a movie can make us feel such sympathy for our victim and hatred for our villains, can they rightly be dismissed as exploitive trash?
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