It was a welcomed pleasure to see a now aged Betsy Palmer talk about her stint as machete carrying psycho-mama. I giggled at the Friday 3 commentary. Larry Zerner (Shelly) has certainly changed in appearance, but his voice and jolly attitude are unmistakable. I was thrilled to see a few of Jason's victims speak about their experience of actually being maimed by one of cinema's most horrific made men.
While a lot of the extras are great, there were still a lot of loose ends. I still think there could have been more interviews or a commentary here or there. Aside from wrangling up a review for the whole box-set, I'll get to why I was so bothered by the whole thing. It's not a bother in the carnal sense, but more of an annoyance. I've always considered Warrington Gillette Jason. His 'performances' in Friday the 13th part 2 has always been amongst my favorites (with CJ Graham from part six stealing the prize), but not until recently, have I found out that the ONLY scene Warrington Gillete was in was the scene where a deformed Jason crashes through the window.
Well, if Gillette didn't do the remaining scenes, who did? Steve Dash (short for Daskawsiz) did. In almost every scene where Jason sports the pillow case, it's Steven Dash. Why Warrington Gillette got credit as playing Jason is beyond me. What really bummed me out was the fact that Gillette went on and on about how tough of a shoot it was. If one didn't know better, they would have thought he was present throughout the entire shoot!
I think it would have been a manly gesture to admit that he primarily only did one major stunt throughout the entire film. He gilded the lily enough to not actually admit he was a one stunt wonder, fooling the best of us with piling on the icing real thick. I would imagine that Gillette has used his Jason status in a lot of places. There was even one magazine article on him sometime back that read, 'Jason Goes To Wal Street '. There's also his own personal website - that shows him holding a platter with someones severed head on it. It seems as if our ex-Jason is now some sort of Wal Street big whig - severing monetary investments and decapitating inside trading.
This post may sound like a 'Warrington Gillete Bashing Page', but I assure you, the Gillete Bashing Headquarters is located at the home of Steven Dash. To be honest, I'd be mad myself. I would imagine Dash has tried to sue Paramount without success. Afterall, no one can defeat Jason. All this aside, Gillette is the nicest man on earth. A constant smile and a willingness to tell you as much as his knowledge will allow.

The picture to the left (which I swiped from CAMPCRYSTALLAKE.COM) is a pic of the REAL Jason from Friday 2.
Rumor has it, Steven Dash is quiet angry about the whole ordeal of only being credited as 'Jason's Stunt Double'. It's a fun story among message boards about how Dash, (at a convention that also hired Gillette for appearances,) was giving Gillette a bad rep about how he couldn't even do any of the stunts that were called for in the script in Friday the 13th part 2. It's said that Gillette just shrugged off the incident and stated something comical about the situation.
1 comment:
...please where can I buy a unicorn?
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