I've heard first hand accounts from women who have blatantly called him "sleaze buckets'', ''bastards'' , ''womanizing creeps'' - And this is putting it lightly. Now, whether or not Savini is either of these things is irrelevant. Of course, when it comes to our favorite horror movies, the truth is stone, and the stone says that Savini is a legend (a fallen legend, maybe). The one thing I do not agree with is Tom's alternate personalities. From my experiences, one minute Tom is a nice guy who's willing to share a story he shared eighteen million times. At other times, he seems distant and simply acts like he doesn't even want to be at conventions.
I understand Tom's been in the business for a long time - answering the same fifteen questions over and over and over and over, but I've got a few words for Tom: "Suck it up, sucka!" The convention goers pay your ticket. They put food on your table and allow you to be a washed up f/x guy from the 80's.
While a ''washed up f/x guy from the 80's'' isn't a polite way to describe Tom Savini, let's try to stick to the truth as much as possible.
It's 1985 - Tom Savini is at the pinnacle of his career. He's finished work on some of the most mind numbing pros

Savini is on a roller coaster ride. Money, women, more gigs than he could shake his stick at. Rounding the corner from his last Friday the 13th job, he lands make up f/x guy on 'Day of the Dead' - rounding the corner and heading almost straight into Tobe Hooper's complete opposite sequel,'The Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2''. (Which is my top 5, btw)
Tom's burning the midnight oils. Gaining gig after gig, keeping the partnership and friendship alive with George Romero. Even going into Romero's lackluster sleeper,'Monkey Shines', all is good in the world of Tom Savini. He's on top of the world. The computer generation has yet to burst into full bloom, but the slasher and gore craze WAS dying down, and so was Tom Savini's credits.
Over the past fifteen years, I'd be really hard pressed to find a worthy credit with Savini's name attached. Does 'Bloodsucking Pharaoh's in Pittsburgh'' constitute a notable hand in the cookie jar? I'd hardly think so. "Killing Zoe' and ''From Dusk 'Til Dawn''. - We'll let these two be his reprisal of sorts - living the life he lead in his 80's pinnacle, but only for a short time.
'Sex Machine',while hardly a bad character, is nevertheless a character in one of the bigger and most popular movies of the nineties, 'From Dusk Til Dawn'. Whether it gives room for greatness is another story, although, you have some fans who thinks 'Sex Machine' is pure and simply ''the shit''. They may be right. I'm not a big fan of Tarantino, so, a biased judgment would probably hinder my thoughts on 'Sex Machine' and his fabled 'cult' status'.

The more posts I type, the more it seems as if this blog is a catalyst to bash people. This isn't the case. For the most part, if Tom Savini wants to fornicate and have illegitimate children, thats fine by me. People have sex and one of the consequences of sex is children. Those pesky kids! Every time I visit Tom's page, there's a new addition to the family. Before you know it, Tom's going to have all the Universal monsters running around in his home, with all the damsels of distress coming to pick them up on Sunday. Just joshing,Tom.
My main objective for this post isn't to dwell on Savini's faults. Lord knows, I have my faults. I do things that would make Tom cringe. If I were to tell him what's on my mind, he'd surely never bring himself to sit in front of a table with pictures of himself on it again. He'd call it quits for good. My main objective is to blurt about Tom's lack of interest when it comes to fans.
Tom is human. I understand this. He gets shit pains like everyone else. I'm not going to mention child support payments. He gets sad, angry, and even horny when he sees a barely 18 yr old girl swoon in his presence. Human, indeed.
All this aside, it's time for Tom to just call it quits if he can't tolerate the public. I know that if I don't like my job, it's not my customers fault. (Although, I truly don't have customers, per-se, but client el. See, I'm even ahead of Tom. Of course, I'm kidding)
If he's burned out on 'How did you stick the arrow through Kevin Bacons neck in 'Friday the 13th'' or ''How did you rip Rhodes in half in 'Day of the Dead?', it's just time to stop. Stop lowering yourself by appearing in movies such as ''Zombiegeddon''. Can any good become of a film where one of the characters involved is a satire on Jesus Christ? People can say Savini's career is as good as it ever was....Let me correct you! "Wake up sucka!" - Anyone who appears in Zombiegeddon isn't living his/her dreams, I'll tell you that.
It seems to me that the real world has forgotten about Tom. I've been lead to believe that Tom won't go WGA. If so, it's his own fault he has no legit gigs. All the muck and mire still won't sway my opinion on Tom in regards to his cinematic work. Some of his work is, and will always remain 'unbeatable'- although, there's many better works out there than Tom's 'mediocre' works. If that makes sense.
Bottom line: If you don't like kids running around in awe of you, give it up. If you can't take one last teenager in Manson make-up calling you 'God', give it up. Find a different career. You're 60 now. It's time to take it easy and sip on Iced Tea with the rest of the crew at Shady Pines.
Like I said, I love Tom, but he needs to become more tolerant of the public. I'm not saying he's an asshole at every convention, but in situations like this, when you agree to take the job, it's not your time anymore, it's the fans. Don't tread on the fans.
Does Tom deserve this kind of rhetoric? Rhetoric can be defined as what occurred throughout this thread, or, Rhetoric can be defined in Tom's case as ''Are you going to buy the damn picture or not?"

It sound as if I particularly believe all the rumors. To tell you the truth, all the rumors spread by women are probably false. Well, not all of it. He probably did hit and run, but it sure wasn't rape. I'm sure there were no special promises either - only promises these women conceived in their own demented minds. So, with a hint of siding with Tom, I'll do it. I'll step across the fence and say that there will certainly never be another one. Another Tom Savini, that is. I never said anything about another illegitimate child.
Yeah, I asked him a question once to check on a fact for a story and he seemed to get annoyed at me for some reason.
WIL Keiper
I've heard more bad stories than good. This one can be added to the list.
`Tom is a prick. simple
Tom Savini is a great special f/x man. There's no doubt. Whether he's a prick or not really takes nothing away from his great work. My biggest complaint is that he should show appreciation to even the silliest fan.
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